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  • Thruster is a device used to generate thrust, propelling a vehicle or object in a desired direction. Thrusters are commonly used in various applications, including:


  • Spacecraft and Satellites: Thrusters are used for attitude control, orbital adjustments, and propulsion in space. Common types include:

    • Ion thrusters: These use electric fields to accelerate ions and generate thrust, offering high efficiency over long durations.
    • Chemical thrusters: These burn fuel to create rapid bursts of thrust.
    • Hall effect thrusters: A type of ion thruster used for satellite positioning.
  • Marine Vessels: Thrusters are used to maneuver ships in tight spaces, such as harbors. Examples include:

    • Bow thrusters: Installed at the front of the ship to assist in lateral movement.
    • Azimuth thrusters: Rotatable propellers that allow 360° movement for better control.
  • Aerospace: Aircraft use thrusters, often in the form of jet engines or rocket boosters, to create the necessary lift and speed for flight.